We have started 24/7 Eucharistic Adoration through the Adoration Chapel glass window for as long as the restrictions due to Covid-19 are in place. You can come in person or you can visit our YouTube channel: St. Kieran Catholic Church. Jesus is waiting for you, come and visit! Please send us your prayer requests using the link in our Website www.stkierancatholicchurch.org/requests/
Adoración al Santísimo 24/7 a través de la ventana de cristal de la Capilla de Adoración mientras dure las restricciones del Covid-19. Puedes venir en persona o conectarte a nuestro canal de YouTube: St. Kieran Catholic Church. Jesus te espera, ven y visítalo! Envíenos sus intenciones de oración usando el enlace en nuestro sitio web www.stkierancatholicchurch.org/requests/